今回は,京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科および日本独文学会京都支部との共催で,ドイツのイエナ大学から講師として Holger Diessel 教授をお迎えし,下記のような講演会を開催いたしました。
講演タイトル:The Grammar Network. Syntactic categories in usage-based construction grammar
講師:Holger Diessel 教授 (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)
The Grammar Network. Syntactic categories in usage-based construction grammar
Cognitive and usage-based linguists have often argued that grammar is best understood as a network, but while the network view of grammar is widely accepted in cognitive linguistics, it is unclear how the various aspects of linguistic structure are organized in such a network. According to Goldberg (1995), grammar is primarily a taxonomic network in which constructions are connected by inheritance links. However, while inheritance links are key to understand certain aspects of a grammar, recent studies argue that the construct-i-con is not just a taxonomy of hierarchically related constructions (e.g., Lyngfeld et al. 2018; Diessel 2019; Schmid 2020; Sommerer and Smirnova 2020; Ungerer 2023).
In this paper, I present a dynamic network model of grammar in which all aspects of linguistic structure, including word classes, constituent structure, morphological paradigms, and syntactic relations, are analyzed in terms of associations between different aspects of a speaker’s linguistic knowledge. These associations are shaped by domain-general learning processes that are operative in language use and sensitive to frequency of occurrence.
The paper is divided into two parts. In the first part, I argue that constructions can be analyzed as networks involving three different types of associations: (i) symbolic relations connecting form and meaning, (ii) sequential relations connecting linguistic elements in sequence, and (iii) taxonomic relations connecting linguistic patterns at different levels of abstraction. In the second part, I argue that grammatical word classes are best analyzed in terms of from filler-slots relations connecting individual lexical items with specific slots in constructional schemas, and I further show that grammatical categories such as case and voice are structured by paradigmatic associations between horizontally related constructions. The paper builds on data and analyses presented in Diessel (2023).
Diessel, H. 2019. The Grammar Network. How Linguistic Structure is Shaped by Language Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Diessel, H. 2023. The Constructicon. Taxonomies and Networks. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lyngfelt, B., Borin, L., Ohara, K. H., and Torrent, T. T. 2018. (eds.), Constructicography. Constructicon Development Across Languages. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Schmid, H.-J. 2020. The Dynamics of the Linguistic System: Usage. Conventionalization and Entrenchment. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Sommerer, L. and Smirnova, E. 2020. (eds.), Nodes and Networks in Diachronic Construction Grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Ungerer, T. 2023. Structural Priming in a Grammatical Network. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
1998年ニューヨーク州立大学バッファロー校より博士号(言語学)授与。2002年ライプツィヒ大学およびマックス・プランク研究所にて大学教授資格(英語学)を取得。2004年より,フリードリヒ・シラー大学イエナ教授(英語学)。近刊 The Constructicon. Taxonomies and Networks. Cambridge University Press (2023) ほか著書・論文多数。